An exciting new vision for Royal Street

Royal Street provides an exciting opportunity to deliver new public realm, space for businesses, restaurants, shops, and homes as well as laboratory space to develop cutting edge new healthcare technologies.

The plans for Royal Street are being brought forward by the landowner, Guy’s & St Thomas’ Foundation, and their development partner, Stanhope plc.

This website provides a summary of the proposals, as well as answering your frequently asked questions.

Our consultation

The proposals for Royal Street were shaped and influenced by a comprehensive community and stakeholder engagement programme which, between September 2021 and January 2022, saw us:

Contact over 30 local community groups and organisations to invite them to take part in the consultation process and we held meetings with 25 of these groups.

Advertise the consultation events through social media and local adverts.

Deliver two newsletters to just under 2,000 local addresses around the site informing them about the plans and the consultations we were running.

Hold two series of consultation events in October and December 2021, including in-person events and online webinars, where we welcomed just under 60 people to help them find out more information about the plans.

The information presented at these events can be found below:

Boards from Phase One consultation  |  Boards from Phase Two consultation

Next Steps

You can view our full planning application here.

Planning permission is now in place and the development partners are focused on clearing a number of pre-commencement conditions before delivery of the first phases of the project can begin.